与你的导师见面, 和成功教练约个时间, or dive into faculty-guided reSearch to set yourself up for success. 无论你是需要生活建议还是职业指导, you’ll find someone at Coker ready to help you become the leader you were meant to be.
Coker wants everyone on campus to feel welcome, safe, and respected. We promote a supportive environment that celebrates the diversity of cultures, 背景, 以及我们的学生和教师的信仰.
Digital technology has revolutionized the way we learn, connect, and collaborate. 访问科克 fosters student interaction and innovation through access to personalized technology devices and cutting-edge digital campus resources.
上大学是对自己的一种投资,但你并不孤单. From scholarships and grants, your Coker financial support team can help you plan for your future.
Financial concerns should not stand in the way of your story. 优点, 人才, 运动, and donor-funded scholarships will help you cover the cost of tuition and other expenses. Our staff can help you determine eligibility and apply for the right programs, 这样你就可以朝着你的教育目标前进了.
- 83%的新生获得舞蹈和音乐奖学金
- 退伍军人, 活跃的军事, and their dependents also may be eligible for education-related financial benefits
- 本地学生学费优惠
- 95%的学生获得经济援助
- 每年颁发1000万美元以上的奖学金
- 经济援助顾问在此提供帮助
- 博彩平台推荐排名
- 不收取申请费
- 不需要SAT/ACT成绩
Coker offers a streamlined application process for both our undergraduate and graduate programs, 这样你才能在通往成功的道路上继续前进. 现在是时候开始你的故事了. Whether you’re a new student or transferring from another school, you can complete the application process quickly using our easy online form.
大学的录取过程似乎是势不可挡的, especially if you’re the first person in your family to pursue a degree. Our admissions counselors are available to answer questions and guide you through the process to submit your application and your transcripts, 以及完成你的FAFSA. 从上学的第一天到毕业,甚至更久, 科克会在你身边培养你, 为你的个人成功投资的包容性社区.
•2名Pee Dee Idea Pitch Challenge获胜者
- 坚定的本科承诺
- 教学与最具创新力学校.S.
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